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Special Instructions for the Forum

To create the best user experience, please keep all reviews for a particular member in one thread and before posting a new thread, use the forum's search feature to see if one has already been started. The SEARCH BOX is just below the list of review threads on page one.

If the member happens to have more than one review thread, please post to the original one...that is the one started earliest, unless there happens to be numerous ones, with one having many more responses to it. If that is the case, please post to the thread with the most responses.

Please be sure to spell the member name exactly as it appears on their Member Page. If it is not spelled correctly, it will never be found via the search feature. Please limit the Subject of Posting Line to the Member Name only, as sometimes there are mixed reviews for, not all of them being +++, or wonderful. Some members might have wonderful reviews if just trading seeds, but may not do as well, when digging, packing, and trading plants.

Additionally per the instructions:
To ensure the safety of our members, please use member names only -- do not reveal personal information -- such as last names -- without the member's permission. Reviews with too much personal information often get deleted.

Other discussion about the use of the Rate and Review Forum can be found on the Conversation side of the forum. The link to Conversations is found just above the list of threads here on page one. If you have any questions, feel free to post them on the Conversation side.

